Vast: The Crystal Caverns – my custom insert

Vast: The Crystal Caverns is an asymmetric board game from Leder Games.

Become part of the legend…

The dragon has been asleep for many long years. In that time, the cave under which it slumbered has changed greatly…Goblins and strange monsters have filled its gloomy depths and there are whispers that the cave itself has begun thinking, shifting, and growing evermore dangerous.

Still, stories of peril rarely overshadow the rumors of riches. And riches there may be… For where a dragon slumbers, there also lies a fiercely guarded treasure. Fortunately for the slumbering beast, malevolent crystals fill the cave’s rooms with spectral light, hiding the entrance to the immeasurable treasure trove. Many have given their lives to the search and over the years the rumors have faded to legend.

But the most courageous adventurers will not be discouraged by bloodshed. On this day, a knight steps into the darkness, her gloved hand gripping the hilt of her sword. Her years of quests–all of the victories and defeats—have led to this one final adventure. Knowing the kingdom can never truly be at peace with the dragon beneath the cave, she has come to make a final stand. Little does she know that she will awake everything that slumbers in the shadows… and begin the final battle in the darkness.

Enter the world of Vast: The Crystal Caverns!

Vast takes you and your friends into the torch light of a classic cave-crawling adventure, built on the concept of total asymmetry. Gone are days of the merry band of travelers fighting off evil. In Vast, you will become part of a new legend… Any part you wish!

Play as the classic, daring Knight, the chaotic Goblin horde, the colossal, greedy Dragon, the scurrilous Thief, or even the Cave itself — powerful, brooding, and intent on crushing the living things that dare to disturb its gloomy depths. Each role has its own powers, pieces, and paths to victory … and there can only be one winner.

-from Leder Games website

I love this game. I love it so much I bought a used copy in excellent condition, and probably paid too much. I also bought the Miniatures Expansions. This meant I had so many tokens and player pieces. It was a bit much, and I wanted an organizer. I could not find an organizer online that held the miniatures and wouldn’t lift the box lid, so I decided to make my own. I did a little research looking at homemade foamcore and cardboard ideas, and even considered 3D printing. However, these just weren’t giving me the good vibes. Somehow I thought about one of my favorite crafts as a child – plastic canvas. I had used plastic canvas before to make tissue box covers and some 2D designs. These were all kits or existing patterns, but making some boxes can’t be that hard so I decided to dive in. After some YouTube research, of course!


I knew I wanted all the components to fit in the box and I did not want the lid to raise at all. @@@@@@@@ additional content coming soon! @@@@@@@@@

Play Time!

If you want to learn how to play, and see the gorgeous game pieces and miniatures, these videos from LonelyMan BGs are excellent!

Vast Overview

How to Play the Knight

how to setup the Knight player board, with identification of pieces
How to Play – all Roles
How to Play the Knight

How to Play the Goblins

how to setup the Goblins player board, with identification of pieces
The Goblins player board setup and component identification
How to Play – all Roles
How to Play the Goblins

How to Play the Dragon

how to setup the Dragon player board, with identification of pieces
The Dragon player board setup and component identification
How to Play – all Roles
How to Play the Dragon

How to Play the Cave

how to setup the Cave player board, with identification of pieces
The Cave player board setup and component identification
How to Setup (usually the Cave player’s role) – still do this with no Cave player!
How to Play – all Roles
How to Play the Cave
Optional: playing with Terrain tiles

How to Play the Thief

how to setup the Thief player board, with identification of pieces
The Thief player board setup and component identification
How to Play – all Roles
How to Play the Thief

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