About Megan

Megan standing on beach of Pacific ocean

Hi, friend! I am Megan Guth. I’m a cybersecurity professional hoping to make the world a better place. This is my digital home for all the things in my head I want to get out. It’s part “branding”, part landing page for my digital life, and part blog. Read my thoughts and let’s connect on the social media. Remember to smile and spread love! <3

“‘I am unhappy, Father’, I said… “Do you know of a cure for me?”

“‘Why, yes,’ he said, ‘I know a cure for everything: salt water.’

“‘Salt water?’ I asked him.

“Yes,’ he said, ‘in one way or the other. Sweat, or tears, or the salt sea.’

-Isak Dinesen (pseudonym for Karen Blixen). “The Deluge of Norderney.” Seven Gothic Tales. Vintage Books, 1934, pp. 1-80.

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